Human Resources Development to Improve Employee Performance, Communication, and Work Motivation in Indonesia
Researchers are interested in researching the relationship between HRM, communication, performance, and motivation. This research aims to find out how HRM and communication influence the performance and motivation of HR in Indonesia. This research is also useful for providing input to the Indonesian Government on how to improve HRM and communication, which can improve the performance and motivation of HR in Indonesia. We use secondary data from world banks for this research using the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) analysis technique. VECM is a model used to estimate short and long-term relationships between cointegrated time series variables. To measure in aggregate we base performance variables on GDP, HR variables on community work participation, communication with information technology investment, motivation with happiness index. We use a 30 year period from 1990 to 2020. We found that HR are the most important assets in an organization. Quality, skilled, and well-performing HR can help an organization to achieve its goals and vision. However, to create superior human resources, effective and efficient human resource management (HRM) is needed. HRM is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling HR in an organization. HRM aims to meet the needs and expectations of human resources as well as increase their contribution to the organization. One of the important HRM functions is to motivate HR. Motivation is an internal and external drive that influences HR behavior to achieve certain goals. Motivation can come from oneself (intrinsic) or from the environment (extrinsic). Intrinsic motivation arises from HR’s desires, interests, ideals, or self-satisfaction with their work.
Keywords: human resources development, employee performance, communication, work motivation, Indonesia
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