Enhancing the Performance of Hotel Employees by Fostering Job Satisfaction, Which is Shaped by Competency and the Work Environment
This study aims to analyze the effect of competence, work environment, and organizational culture on the job satisfaction of hotel employees in DI Yogyakarta. Influence of competence, work environment, and organizational culture on the performance of hotel employees in DI Yogyakarta. Analyze the effect of competence, work environment, and organizational culture on employee performance through hotel job satisfaction in DI Yogyakarta. This research method uses quantitative analysis techniques using structural equation modeling (SEM), processed using the AMOS and SPSS 26 version programs. The population in this study were all employees of 3 and 4 star hotels in DIY (168 hotels), with a workforce of 3256 men and 1268 women for a total of 4524. The number of samples in the study was 151 people with the criteria that they had a minimum working period of 5 years. The results of this study indicate that competence, work environment, and organizational culture can create job satisfaction and improve employee performance through hotel employee job satisfaction. The research results can positively contribute to developing management science or disciplines regarding performance theory. This research is expected to positively contribute to decision-making for hotel management related to improving performance through employee competence, work environment, organizational culture, and job satisfaction.
Keywords: performance, job satisfaction, competency, and work environment
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