Strengthening Destination Safety Formation to Increase Tourist Loyalty After COVID-19 Pandemic
This research aims to assess the impact of the strength of destination security formations on increasing tourist loyalty in East Java tourist destinations resulting from the large-scale social restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research sample consisted of 156 respondents; SEM-AMOS was used to analyze the influence of destination security formation on tourist loyalty. The research results show that improving the security formation (health and cleanliness) of tourist destinations can encourage tourists to visit again. When tourists feel safe and protected while at tourist attractions, they tend to feel more comfortable and have a more positive experience at East Java Tourism destinations. Regarding the level of health value for tourists while at the destination, it has a higher perceived impact on tourist loyalty than cleanliness. Attention to health from managers makes tourists have the intention to return to visit again, making tourist satisfaction a driving factor, it will further create a relationship between cleanliness and health on tourist loyalty. Theoretically, this study contributes to the development of environmental theory from an external aspect and a practical contribution for tourist destination managers as consideration for increasing tourist loyalty through strengthening destination safety formation after large-scale social restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Keywords: safety formation destination, tourist loyalty, CHSE (clean, health, safety, and environmental sustainability)
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