Investigating the Impact of Tenure, Training Intensity, and Work Motivation on Pedagogic Competence: Implications for Private Vocational School Teachers’ Performance in the Magelang Regency
This study aims to investigate how tenure, training intensity, and job motivation affect the effectiveness of independent vocational schools instructors in the Magelang area using pedagogic competency. The sample size for the research was 928 teachers. The Slovin formula was used to calculate the sample size, which resulted in an overall sample size of 100 instructors. Data analysis methods make use of modeling structural equations (SEM). The outcome of the investigation demonstrates that training intensity, tenure, and work incentive all have an impact on pedagogical competency, which in turn affects the performance of independent vocational school instructors.. Work ethic, training intensity, and working hours also affect the success of independent vocational school instructors in the Magelang Regency.
Keywords: tenure, training intensity, work motivation, pedagogic competence, teacher performance
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