Improvements in Member Performance Under Transformational Leadership and Through Quality Human Capital in the Indonesian Air Force
This study aims to describe transformational leadership, organizational culture, human capital, and member performance, and analyze the effect of transformational leadership and organizational culture on human capital and member perfomance, as well as the effect of human capital on member performance. The sample for consisted of members of Iswahjudi Magetan Air Force Base/LANUD, including 19 work units with the rank of non-commissioned officer. Proprtional random sampling was used to gather a sample of 174 people. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and descriptive analyses were undertaken. The results of this study indicate that transformational leadership and organizational culture can improve the quality of human capital. These factors can also improve the performance of members of the Indonesian Air Force, if driven by human capital. This research contributes to developing human capital theory and full range leadership theory as intangible assets of an organization with respect to individual performance.
Keywords: transformational leadership, organizational culture, performance, human capital
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