The Development of Organizational Citizenship Behavior to Encourage Knowledge Sharing and Improve Staff Performance




This study aims to describe organizational culture, organizational citizenship behaviour, and knowledge sharing in RSPAU Indonesia, and determine the effect of organizational culture and organizational citizenship behaviour on knowledge sharing and staff performance. It analyzes the effect of knowledge sharing on staff performance. The research sample of 167 people were all members of the operational medical, nursing and other health workers of RSPAU in Indonesia. This study uses descriptive analysis and structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis. The results show that organizational culture can increase knowledge sharing by creating ideas based on suggestions and discussions regarding new things. Organizational culture can also improve organizational citizenship behaviour. When employee knowledge sharing is supported, organizational culture and organizational citizenship behaviour can improve performance, in terms of both quality and quantity of work.

Keywords: organizational citizenship behavior, performance, knowledge sharing


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How to Cite

Hermawan, A., Sanusi, A., & Supriadi, B. (2024). The Development of Organizational Citizenship Behavior to Encourage Knowledge Sharing and Improve Staff Performance. KnE Social Sciences, 9(28), 230–251.