Performance Improvement and Job Satisfaction Through Career Concern Adaptability
This study aims to describe and determine the effect of career concern adaptability and work motivation on job satisfaction and performance. The sample of 189 people consists of the management of the Sports Organization (Inagor) at KORMI in West Papua Province. Data analysis techniques included descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The study’s results prove that career concern adaptability can create job satisfaction in the Main Sports Organization at Kormi Papua. Work motivation can increase job satisfaction: the more frequent motivational activities are, the more likely they are to strengthen job satisfaction by encouraging professional development, working relationships with superiors, and relationships with co-workers. However, work motivation has yet to maximize the board’s performance because the Sports Organization at KORMI West Papua is a non-profit organization. Career concern adaptability will further improve the performance of management at KORMI West Papua if job satisfaction factors drive it. At the same time, motivation has not been able to maximize performance, even though it is mediated by job satisfaction. This research contributes to the theory of individual adaptability under different conditions. It can inform the West Papua KORMI organization on how to improve its performance by considering career concern adaptability, motivation and job satisfaction.
Keywords: career adaptability, work motivation, performance, job satisfaction
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