Service Quality in Applications for Certificates of Occupancy (SLF) in Indonesia
The construction sector is one of the strongest sectors supporting economic growth in Indonesia. Studies conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) show that construction is in the third main source of Indonesia’s economic growth, noting that this sector’s gross domestic product (GDP) contributed 10.44% to the national GDP of IDR 16.97 quadrillion in 2021. According to the Probolinggo City Government’s Electronic Procurement Service, at least 101 jobs have been auctioned. The certificate of occupancy (Sertifikat Laik Fungsi/SLF) is a statement that the feasibility of a building’s function has been completed. Laik Fungsi requires that abuilding meets administrative and technical standards according to the specified building function. So without SLF, a building can be legal but illegal for its utilization. The purpose of this research is to analyze the quality of services provided by CV Meter Consultant Company in meeting customer needs and satisfaction. This research uses a qualitative approach, i.e case study research. Data collection techniques include conducting observations, interviews, and documentation of objects and informants. The data interview collected was from 5 informants. The results of this study are that there are several indicators that have not been fulfilled, including the tangible dimension.
Keywords: service quality, service marketing, certificate of occupancy, SLF
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