Improved Shipping Company Performance Created by Digital Business Transformation and Corporate Culture


  • Hadiansyah . University of Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Grahita Chandrarin University of Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Bambang Supriadi University of Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia



The pace of digital business transformation is accelerating; digital transformation cannot be a one-time activity, so organizations must develop a continuous development mentality and culture of adapting services and systems faster and more frequently by incorporating new technologies and practices to meet customer expectations. The study aimed to analyze the effect of digital transformation on cultural transformation on the performance of shipping companies, with job satisfaction as a mediating factor. Data analysis in this study is SEM analysis with the analysis of moment structure (AMOS) program. Respondents in this study were all employees who handled ship arrival and departure permits at 39 shipping companies in South Kalimantan, totaling 367 people. Based on the Slovin formula, the number of samples used were 191. The results show that digital business transformation and corporate culture transformation can improve the quality, quantity, and reliability of shipping company performance with job satisfaction as a mediating factor. The results of the research on the performance of shipping companies that are influenced by digital business transformation and corporate culture transformation can broaden and deepen the development of the digital government readiness assessment theory of change applied in both developing and developed countries as a measuring tool for the economy of countries and companies.

Keywords: shipping company performance, digital business transformation, corporate culture


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How to Cite

., H., Chandrarin, G. ., & Supriadi, B. . (2024). Improved Shipping Company Performance Created by Digital Business Transformation and Corporate Culture. KnE Social Sciences, 9(29), 26–42.