Development of an e-Mudharabah Website Using the System Usability Scale (SUS) Method
At present there is no definite data regarding the number of MSMEs that utilize the Mudharabah scheme from both the East Java Cooperative Office and BPS because the provision of Mudharabah services is the right of MSMEs to provide capital, which is mostly provided by Islamic banks. Problems faced by MSME business actors include limited capital costs, deepening information technology and marketing. So it is necessary to develop a website-based e-Mudharabah system using the waterfall method and the system usability scale (SUS) testing method. The results of research on the e-Mudharabah website using the SUS testing method, obtained the results of respondents from investors, consultants, and MSME actors. The average conversion result was obtained with a result of 81,125 with the description “Excellent” with a B value scale where the conversion results were applied using the SUS method.
Keywords: website, e-Mudharabah, UMKM, waterfall method, system usability scale
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