The Ease of Use of Applications and Quality of Service Toward Consumer Loyalty in Cargo Express Service Companies, Bekasi, Indonesia
This study tries to assess the effect that may occur among the ease of use of applications on consumer loyalty, quality of service on consumer loyalty, ease of use of applications, and quality of service on consumer loyalty. This study aims to determine how important application usability and service quality are influencing consumer loyalty.This study, discusses the factors that can affect consumer loyalty and determines how much influence the ease of use of applications and service quality have on consumer loyalty. This research utilized purposive sampling. The data gathering approach utilized in this study is questionnaires with Google Forms media. The prerequisite test from the data obtained uses the data quality test and the classical assumption test. This study employed the following data analysis techniques: validity test, reliability test, normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple regression analysis, statistical t test (partial), F test (simultaneous), and coefficient of determination (R2). The final results show that the two independent variables (the ease of use of applications, quality service) were significantly affected by the dependent variable (consumer loyalty). According to the report, service quality and application simplicity of use account for 42.6% of client loyalty.
Keywords: the ease of use of applications, service quality, consumer loyalty
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