Influence Quality of Service and Hotel Image to Loyalty Through Hotel Customer Trust in Gorontalo City
The economic growth of Gorontalo City has had an impact on many entrepreneurs who invest in various fields, including the world of hotels. One way to maintain its existence is that hotel business players must be loyal to the customers. This study is to analyze the effect of service quality and hotel image on customer trust. The effects of service quality and hotel image on customer loyalty. The effects of customer trust on customer loyalty. Customer trust mediates the effects of service quality and hotel image on customer loyalty. The research population is guests who stay at hotels in the city of Gorontalo totaling 671 hotel guests with a research sample of 250 hotel guests. The analytical technique used is descriptive statistics so as to produce the average value (mean) of each indicator. The results showed that hotel customers in Gorontalo City strongly agree that service quality is formed by tangibles, reliability, responsiveness.
Keywords: service quality, hotel image, customer trust, customer loyal
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