Role of Strategic HRM as Mediator of Intellectual Assets and Knowledge Sharing of Hotel Performance in West Java


  • Zaskia Ardhani Student at Post Graduate, University of Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Boge Triatmanto Post Graduate, University of Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Harianto Respati Post Graduate, University of Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Endang Dwi Amperawati Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Primagraha, Serang, Indonesia



In addition to examining the factors affecting organizational performance and hotel performance, this research aims to investigate the relationship between knowledge sharing and intellectual assets and hotel strategic human resource management (HRM). To create a robust knowledge culture, strategic HRM and hotel management should collaborate. This can be accomplished by holding team meetings, workshops, employee development programs, and discussion forums to promote cooperation and knowledge exchange among staff members. Maintain a competitive edge in the hospitality sector, while offering visitors outstanding service. This research was done using quantitative methods. In this study, 185 employees served as samples. Structural equation modeling was used in the analysis method (SEM). The findings demonstrated that knowledge sharing and intellectual assets impact the hotel’s strategic HRM. Hotel performance is impacted by knowledge sharing and intellectual assets. Strategic HRM influences organizational performance. Intellectual assets and knowledge sharing affect hotel performance through strategic HRM. By increasing employee knowledge and skills and encouraging collaboration and continuous learning, hotels can improve organizational performance, provide superior service to guests, and stay competitive in the hospitality industry. Strategic HRM should work closely with hotel management to build a strong knowledge culture. This can be accomplished by carrying out initiatives like staff development and training, workshops, team meetings, and discussion forums to encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing among employees.

Keywords: intellectual assets, knowledge sharing, strategic HRM, organizational


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How to Cite

Ardhani, Z. ., Triatmanto, B. ., Respati, H. ., & Dwi Amperawati, E. . (2024). Role of Strategic HRM as Mediator of Intellectual Assets and Knowledge Sharing of Hotel Performance in West Java. KnE Social Sciences, 9(29), 251–267.