Utilizing the Experience Economy to Cultivate Unforgettable Moments in Sustainable Tourism: The Case of Edelweiss Park in Wonokitri Village


  • Andini Risfandini Diploma of Tourism, University of Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8913-6232
  • Wan-Hafiz Bin Wan-Zainal-Shukri Faculty of Fisher and Food Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Trengganu, Malaysia
  • Irwan Yulianto Diploma of Tourism, University of Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Kristine Opulencia Entrepreneurship Department, Rizal Technological University, Manila, Philippines




Limited attention has been given to the implementation of the experience economy in tourism villages. This research aims to bridge this gap by evaluating the practical applications of the experience economy in the management of tourism destinations, specifically within the framework of Edelweiss Park in the Wonokitri Tourism Village. This study adopts qualitative methodologies, utilizing interviews and on-site observations. The investigation was carried out at Edelweiss Park in Wonokitri village, where discussions were held with both stakeholders involved in the park’s management and its visitors. In total, six individuals were interviewed to glean insights into the implementation of experience economy practices within Edelweiss Park. Edelweiss Park offers a unique cultivation tourism experience where visitors actively engage in cultivating edelweiss flowers. The hands-on learning and expert guidance enhance the overall enjoyment and satisfaction of the experience. Edelweiss Park stands out as a conservation-based destination that successfully combines tourism with responsible practices, making it a remarkable model for preserving edelweiss flowers while providing visitors with an enjoyable and rewarding visit.

Keywords: experience economy, tourism village, visitor engagement


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How to Cite

Risfandini, A. ., Bin Wan-Zainal-Shukri, W.-H., Yulianto, I. ., & Opulencia, K. (2024). Utilizing the Experience Economy to Cultivate Unforgettable Moments in Sustainable Tourism: The Case of Edelweiss Park in Wonokitri Village. KnE Social Sciences, 9(29), 314–325. https://doi.org/10.18502/kss.v9i29.17264