Integrated Community-Based Tourism for Balanced Regional Development: A Case Study of Kayutangan Area and Kampong Heritage in Malang City


  • Irwan Yulianto Diploma of Tourism, University of Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Donato Z. Estocada Entrepreneurship Department, Rizal Technological University, Manila, Philippines
  • Michael Dela Cruz Financial Management Department, Rizal Technological University, Manila, Philippines
  • Risfandini . Diploma of Tourism, University of Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia



The tourism sector holds the potential to act as a mechanism for achieving balanced development within a region. The collaborative efforts between Kayutangan and Kampong Heritage area, a partnership established since 2018, have brought about substantial economic benefits for the advancement of cultural tourism in Malang City. This research is aimed at assessing the sustainability of destination management in urban contexts, with a particular focus on Community-Based Tourism (CBT) practices. To conduct this study, an integrated approach has been adopted, involving interviews with various stakeholders, including destination managers, local business owners in the Kampong Heritage area, entrepreneurs in the Kayutangan area, and local residents. The data collected from these interviews has been subjected to analysis using Inskeep’s theory, complemented by an interactive model of community-based management. The findings of this study underscore several management aspects, particularly the capacity to effectively oversee and provide necessary tourism facilities. However, the results also reveal a noteworthy limitation. There appears to be a lack of collaboration between Kawasan Kayutangan and the Kampong Heritage, with management efforts seemingly fragmented. Furthermore, community engagement in the management process remains relatively minimal.

Keywords: community based tourism; collaborative effort, community engagement


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How to Cite

Yulianto, I. ., Z. Estocada, D. ., Dela Cruz, M., & ., R. (2024). Integrated Community-Based Tourism for Balanced Regional Development: A Case Study of Kayutangan Area and Kampong Heritage in Malang City. KnE Social Sciences, 9(29), 326–336.