Using Digital Marketing Strategy and Perceived Value to Promote Brand Trust in Chinese Mobile Phone Brands
Over the past few years, China’s branded mobile phone industry has experienced significant growth, becoming one of the largest global markets. With fierce domestic and international competition, brand trust has emerged as a crucial factor influencing consumer purchasing decisions. Consumers trust mobile phone brands that excel in product quality, service, and value. This study explores how digital marketing strategies and perceived value enhance brand trust in Chinese mobile phone brands. The study formulates a research model and designs a survey questionnaire by reviewing relevant literature on digital marketing strategy, perceived value, brand trust, and Chinese mobile phone brands. Data is collected through an online survey using SPSS software to analyze the relationship between digital marketing strategy, perceived value, and brand trust. Finally, considering the unique characteristics of the Chinese mobile phone brand market and the research findings, the study provides practical recommendations for Chinese mobile phone brands.
Keywords: digital marketing strategy, perceived value, brand trust, Chinese mobile phone brands
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