The Impact of Green Entrepreneurial Orientation and Greenmarket Orientation on SME's Performance: The Role of Green Innovation
Protecting the environment has turned into a competitive market problem, affecting the success of small businesses. Much research has been done on the direct links between green entrepreneurial orientation, green market orientation, green innovation, and SME success. However, few studies look at the indirect links through the lens of green innovation. This study aims to find out if green market orientation and green entrepreneurial orientation impact the success of small and medium-sized businesses. PLS-SEM is used to test the theories quantitatively. Conversations with Batik SME business owners in Ponorogo City were used to gather data. Thirty people took part in this study. The results show that green market orientation and green entrepreneurial orientation have both direct and indirect effects on the success of small businesses. Green innovation also has a direct impact on the success of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as affects green business orientation and green market orientation.
Keywords: green entrepreneurial orientation, green market orientation, green innovation, SME performance
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