Do Product Quality and Price Affect Word of Mouth and Purchase Decisions for Sharia Property?


  • Mila Diana Sari Management, University of Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Widji Astuti Management, University of Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Bambang Supriadi Management, University of Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia



The research examines how quality products and price influence the decisions to purchase Sharia property, with word of mouth as a mediator. It employed descriptive quantitative methods to analyze responses from a sample of 71 consumers who purchase Sharia property. For the sampling process, we utilized the purposive sampling method. To collect data, we used questionnaires and conducted interviews. Partial Square analysis - Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze the data. Based on the data analysis, product quality significantly and positively impacts Sharia property purchase decisions. The price of Sharia property positively influences the decision to purchase. Additionally, word-of-mouth recommendations are significantly impacted by the quality of the product, while price also has a positive effect on word-of-mouth recommendations. Product quality positively and significantly influences Sharia property purchase decisions mediated by word of mouth. The findings indicate that word of mouth positively and significantly influences purchasing Sharia property.

Keywords: price, purchase decisions, product quality, word of mouth


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How to Cite

Diana Sari, M. ., Astuti, W. ., & Supriadi, B. . (2024). Do Product Quality and Price Affect Word of Mouth and Purchase Decisions for Sharia Property?. KnE Social Sciences, 9(29), 436–459.