myITS Services Integrated Service Innovation in Higher Education
The demands of higher education today are increasingly various and complicated as they provide technology and information-based services to students, lecturers, education staff, and alumni who need services easily and quickly. One solution is to integrate through the Integrated Service Centre, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ISC-ITS), by developing digitalization services through the myITS Services platform. The stages of innovation begin with legalisation services, translate diplomas, and graduation certificates, while future innovation development plans to expand into human capital services, finance, and cooperation. The purpose of this research is to analyze integrated service innovation in the Integrated Service Centre. This research uses qualitative methods and Albrecht and Zemke’s theory of public service innovation which examines technology-based services, human resources and service recipients. Data were obtained from observations, interviews, and documentation from service providers and recipients. The results of this study show that myITS Services can respond to the challenges of integrated service innovation needs at the Integrated Service Centre, as a university in realizing digital transformation and as an effort to implement Good University Governance (GUG), but that human resources teams must be supported and assistance provided for service recipients. As innovation continues to be carried out in public service, breakthroughs ISC-ITS come in the form of creative original ideas and adaptations and modifications to existing working methods to provide benefits, both directly and indirectly, to stakeholders.
Keywords: innovation, public service, myITS Services
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