Investigating the Relationship Between Psychological Contract, Apprenticeship Participation, and Ethnic Papuan Turnover Intention


  • Habel Taime-Boge University of Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Triatmanto Sunardi University of Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia



The study’s overarching goal was to look at how ethnic Papuans’ intentions to leave their current positions relate to their involvement in apprenticeship programs, the psychological contract, and other similar concepts, at the Nemangkawi Mining Institute IPN. Methods from the relational and transactional psychological contracts were used in this study. Through the privatized institution in the Mimika area and other contracting organizations, 110 persons took part in the apprenticeship program. We used the following tools for our measurements: the apprenticeship participation rate, the turnover intention scale, and psychological contracts. The multiple regression analysis yielded an F-value of 25.273, indicating statistical significance at the p<0.01 level. This data lends credence to the study premise that apprenticeship involvement and psychological contracts significantly impacts turnover intention. In forecasting desire to leave, psychological contracts and apprenticeship participation account for 39.9% of the total contribution value.

Keywords: Papua ethnicity, intention turnover, apprenticeship participation, psychological contract, contractor workers


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How to Cite

Taime-Boge, H. ., & Sunardi, T. . (2024). Investigating the Relationship Between Psychological Contract, Apprenticeship Participation, and Ethnic Papuan Turnover Intention. KnE Social Sciences, 9(29), 625–639.