The Impact of Memorable Tourism Experience, Destination Attributes, and Destination Image on Tourist Loyalty in Poncokusumo Tourism Village, Malang Regency
The purpose of this study is to examine tourist loyalty, as developed through destination attributes, destination image, and memorable tourism experience. This research uses quantitative methods and engages 97 respondents via accidental sampling given to the tourists who have been visited Desa Wisata Poncokusumo twice or more. The data was analyzed using SPSS. The result is the destination attributes and the destination image significantly influence memorable tourism experience. The destination attributes have no significant influence on tourist loyalty, whereas destination image does significantly influence it. Memorable tourism experience also has a significant influence on tourist loyalty. Lastly, memorable tourism experience is able to influence both the destination attributes and tourist loyalty, meaning it acts as a full mediation. Meanwhile, memorable tourism experience is also able to influence between destination image and tourist loyalty, becoming partial mediation.
Keywords: destination attributes, destination image, memorable tourism experience, tourist loyalty, tourism village
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