Archives - Page 5
International Conference on Advance & Scientific Innovation (ICASI)
This collection contains selected papers from the International Conference on Advance & Scientific Innovation 2022 (Social Sciences Track). The conference was held in Medan, Indonesia on the 19th of December 2022, and was hosted by the Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi.
The conference was organised to bring together researchers and practitioners from the different branches of social sciences. Due to the huge scope of the topic and breadth of the valuable contributions from researchers from a number of professional and scholarly backgrounds, this conference was broken down into five major topical strands, which have been replicated within this issue. The sustainable development strand focuses on the latest advancements in wastewater management, wildfire prevention, and recycling policies. Strand 2 focuses on public health policies and practices, including mental health services and COVID-19 protection. Strand 3 looks at business management by tackling supply chain issues, quality control, and consumerism. Strand 4 focuses on cultural phenomena through a variety of intersecting lenses, including gender issues and Islamic philosophy. Finally, Strand 5 tackles issues around policy reform within the economy, educational institutions, and justice systems.
These papers will be of interest to academics, students, and professionals researching or working in the fields of Health, Education, Gender, Politics, Language, Management, and Economics.
Conference date: 19 December 2022
Location: Medan, Indonesia
Organizers: Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi
Conference Editors: Robbi Rahim, Nasib Marbun, Ronal Watrianthos, Mesran, Dodi Siregar, Tengku Mohd Diansyah
Published: 26 May 2023
ISSN: 2518-668X -
International Conference on Learning Innovation and Research in Basic Education (ICLIRBE)
This collection contains selected papers from the International Conference on Learning Innovation and Research in Basic Education 2022 held in Malang, Indonesia on 3-4 September 2022. This event was hosted by the Graduate School Universitas Negeri Malang.
The conference was organised to attract speakers and delegates interested in the themes of transformation and innovation in basic and primary education environments. Education for young children is considered one of the cornerstones of development for most societies across the Global South. However, in a post-pandemic society, the role of teachers and educational institutions has evolved, supporting children through their emotional and character development, a task historically isolated within the home. Furthermore, the Fourth Industrial Revolution has seen a rise in the use of technology by students at an accelerated rate, both within and beyond the classroom. This, then, forms the backdrop of this collection of 25 peer-reviewed papers that investigate the impact of educational infrastructures on the development of technical skillsets and character in students.
Containing a diverse array of studies evaluating the successes and challenges relating to new teaching models and the development of emotionally healthy and technologically literate young minds, this special guest-edited issue will be of interest to academics, students, or professionals researching or working on basic and primary Education.
Conference date: 3-4 September 2022
Location: Malang, Indonesia
Organizers: Graduate School Universitas Negeri Malang
Conference Editors: Slamet Arifin, Shirly Rizky Kusumaningrum, Ilham Mulya Putra Pradana
Published: 16 May 2023
ISSN: 2518-668X -
1st Indonesian International Conference on Bilingualism
This collection contains selected papers from the International research conference the 1st Indonesian International Conference on Bilingualism (IICB) held in Malang, Indonesia on the 16th–18th of September 2022. This event was hosted by the Postgraduate School, State University of Malang.
This conference was held to implement and establish a new study program, Master of Management in Bilingual Education, specializing in the management of bilingual education. The conference attempts to create a space where researchers and practitioners can exchange academic knowledge and develop networks among scholars interested in bilingualism.
This KnE Social Sciences collection contains 30 peer-reviewed articles on bilingual education and bilingualism. The theme of the conference was Bilingualism in Indonesia: Challenges & Opportunities.
Topics include: Management of Bilingual Education; Pedagogical Aspects in Bilingual Education; Foreign Languages as Media of Instruction (e.g., English, Arabic, Mandarin); Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL); Language Assessment in Bilingual Education, Bilingual Acquisition and Learning; Code-switching and Translanguaging; The Development of Bilingual CompetenceLanguage Disorders/Impairment in Bilinguals; Bilingualism in the Context of World EnglishIntercultural, Sociocultural & Socioeconomic Aspects of Bilingualism; Multimodality and Bilingualism; Bilingualism, Migration, and Identities; Heritage and Minority Languages; Language Maintenance, Loss, and Attrition; and Language Policy and Ideology of Bilingualism.
These papers will be of interest to academics, students or professionals researching or working on bilingual education, bilingualism, foreign language teaching, and applied linguistics.
Conference date: 16th–18th September 2022
Location: Malang, Indonesia
Organizers: State University of Malang
Editors: Siti Muniroh, Evynurul Laily Zen, Yusnita Febrianti, Rahmati Putri Yania Fari
Published: 27 April 2023
ISSN: 2518-668X -
Third International Conference on Human Sciences
This collection contains selected papers from the international research conference The Third International Conference on Human Sciences held in Fallujah, Iraq on the 5th–6th of October 2022. This event was hosted by the University of Fallujah.
This KnE Social Sciences issue contains 63 peer-reviewed articles exploring the role of religious scripture in nation-building practices and policies. The Holy Quran is studied to understand its significant impact on the development of the individual, the community, scientific methods, and all other parts of society that make up a nation-state.
Religion is a major guiding authority for many civilisations and social groups. Islam has long successfully influenced the foundations of Arab societies, acting as a key consideration for decisions taken by families, communities, and policymakers across the board. This collection sheds light on the nuances within these decisions through the application of Islamic Studies doctrines, exploring the Quranic perspective on social issues such as marriage, housing laws, education, and social media within the modern context of today’s Muslim societies.
These papers will be of interest to academics, students, or professionals researching or working on Holy Quran Sciences and Islamic Studies.
Conference date: 5th–6th October 2022
Location: Fallujah, Iraq
Organizers: The University of Fallujah
Editors: Sabah I. Hamadi, Ahmed S. Hamad, Omer K. Jasim Mohammad
Published: 13 March 2023
ISSN: 2518-668X -
IAPA 2022 International Conference and International Indonesia Conference on Interdisciplinary Studies (IICIS)
This collection contains selected papers from the international research conference IAPA 2022 International Conference and International Indonesia Conference on Interdisciplinary Studies (IICIS) held in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia on 28th October 2022. This event was hosted by the Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA) in collaboration with the Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Lampung.
The world has entered a recovery phase following the catastrophic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although some places are still fighting the pandemic, in many countries the tagline of ‘the new normal era’ has surfaced in various global summits and political discussions as the focus shifts onto the adaptability of government and society with regards to reconstructive activities. This has led to some positive outcomes following the pandemic, such as the numerous innovations in the digital sector, which are stimulating the global digital economy, encouraging agile governance models, and supporting massive social media growth.
This KnE Social Sciences conference was held to investigate this trend, looking at the growth and impact of digitalization on government, business, and the wider society. This collection contains 47 peer-review papers on public administration, governance, and public administration. Topics include digital society; rights and governance; digital economy and business; digital infrastructure and adoption; digital literacy; private information data security; global governance, economy and institutions; innovation and bureaucracy; digitalization and social impact; leadership and public trust; and disaster management.
These papers will be of interest to academics, students or professionals researching or working on IT advances and technology adoption, public administration, public policy and political sciences, governance, economics, development, sociology, and communications.
Conference date: 28th October 2022
Location: Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Organizers: The Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA) in collaboration with the Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Lampung
Editors: Arizka Warganegara, Dodi Faedlulloh, Lizan Perante-Calina, Bevaola Kusumasari, Tauchid Komara Yuda, Desy Hariyati
Published: 6 March 2023
ISSN: 2518-668X -
2nd Paris Van Java International Seminar on Health, Economics, Social Science and Humanities (PVJ-ISHESSH 2021)
This collection contains selected papers from the International research conference 2nd Paris Van Java International Seminar on Health, Economics, Social Science and Humanities (PVJ-ISHESSH 2021) held in Bandung, Indonesia on 15th–16th June 2021. This event was hosted by the Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya.
This KnE Social Sciences collection contains a broad array of papers exploring a number of disciplines, as the conference showcased leading Indonesian research in multiple fields. Topics include Public Health, Health Administration, Pharmacy, Nursing, Midwifery, Hospitality, Psychology, Communication, Economics, Education, Government Studies, International Relations, Law, Political Studies, Art & Linguistics, Religious Studies, and Sociology.
These papers will be of interest to academics, students or professionals researching or working in the industry, and civil society organizations.
Conference date: 15th–16th June 2021
Location: Bandung, Indonesia
Organizer: Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya
Editors: Sofia Februanti, Nurmaini Ginting, Muhammad Darwis, Rizky Ariaji, Jumadil Saputra, Yi Ying, Gamal Abdul Nasir Zakaria, Puspa Liza Ghazali, Mustafa Mamat, Budi Hendrawan, Mujiarto
Published: 3 March 2023
ISSN: 2518-668X -
International Conference on Politics, Social, and Humanities Sciences (2nd ICPSH 2022)
This collection contains selected papers from the International Conference on Politics, Social, and Humanities Sciences held in Purwokerto, Indonesia on 12-13 October 2022. The event was hosted by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman.
The conference was held to discuss three main intersections in global policy: the challenges of current global transformations; changes in the interactions between state and non-state actors during the global disruptive era, and responses to the challenges posed by post-pandemic transformations.
This KnE Social Sciences collection contains 45 peer-reviewed articles on social and political sciences, and humanities. The COVID-19 pandemic was a sizable pressure point for governments across the world, who rushed to develop new policies that would protect their citizens while also combatting economic fallout due to social distancing policies and work-from-home mandates. These articles reflect on the success of government policies in responding to a range of issues including COVID-19 vaccine refusal, SME advancement, religious resurgence and poverty reduction. The goal of this conference was to better understand the role of institutional policy and law in managing crises and protecting the humanistic and economic interests of its society.
These articles will be of interest to academics, students, or professionals researching or working on social, political, and cultural issues.
Conference date: 12th–13th October 2022
Location: Purwokerto, Indonesia
Organizer: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Editor: Hariyadi Hariyadi
Published: 24 February 2023
ISSN: 2518-668X -
2nd International Conference on Science and Its Applications “Sustainable Innovation in Natural Science, Economic and Business Science, and Social Science” (ICOSIAS)
This collection contains selected papers from the 2nd International Conference on Science and Its Applications “Sustainable Innovation in Natural Science, Economic and Business Science, and Social Science” (2nd ICOSIAS 2021) held in Kendari, South East Sulawesi Indonesia on the 11th of December 2021 and was hosted by the Research and Outreach Institute of Halu Oleo University.
The conference was held to showcase how innovations in social sciences, arts and humanities can be used and applied to sustainable development.
This KnE Social Sciences collection contains 28 peer-reviewed papers in the field of natural science, economics and business science, as well as social sciences. The research presented celebrates a more holistic definition of sustainability. While understanding that ecological protection and prevention are key, the research showcases why society cannot successfully produce a sustainable strategy without prioritising social justice and equity in its mission. Language barriers in the Global South, gender empowerment, education, and children’s rights are all presented as key caveats to the success of the global sustainability movement, while continued developments in environmental sciences continue to be explored.
These papers will be of interest to academics, students or professionals researching or working in the fields of natural science, economic and business science, and social science.
Conference date: 11th December 2021
Location: Kendari, Indonesia
Organizer: Research and Outreach Institute of Halu Oleo University
Editors: Muhammad Zamrun Firihu, H. La Aba, Arifuddin Mas’ud, Herman, La Tarifu, Jamiluddin and Ahmad Marhadi
Published: 17 February 2023
ISSN: 2518-668X -
Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries (EBEEC)
This collection contains selected papers from the Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries Conference. The event was held in Florence, Italy on the 20th–22nd of May 2022, and was jointly hosted by the University of Florence (Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine), the Meyer Children’s Hospital, and the International Hellenic University (Department of Finance and Accounting).
The purpose of this conference was to discuss the ongoing economic crisis and its effects on European economies and societies, with a particular emphasis on South-Eastern Europe. Border issues affecting the banking and finance sectors in the region were also explored.
This KnE Social Sciences contains 30 peer-reviewed papers. Topics include the impact of Covid-19 on banking sectors, the financial implications of environmental protectionism and corporate social responsibility, and alternative and non-traditional methods to identify new revenue sources and reduce unemployment.
This issue will be of interest to academics, students, and professionals researching or working on monetary policy, finance, banking entrepreneurship, employment, health economics, innovation, rural development, tourism, digitalisation.
Conference date: 20th–22nd May 2022
Location: Florence, Italy
Organizer: the University of Florence, the Meyer Children’s Hospital, the International Hellenic University
Editors: Professor Anastasios Karasavvoglou, Associate Professor Persefoni Polychronidou, Professor Niccolò Persiani
Published: 1 February 2023
ISSN: 2518-668X -
5th International Conference on Education and Social Science Research (ICESRE)
This collection contains selected papers from the 5th International Conference on Education and Social Science Research (ICESRE) held virtually on the 5th of October 2022, and organised by the Institute of Research and Community Service at the Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia.
The main purpose of this conference was to discuss the latest advances in the various sub-fields of education and social sciences within a globalized world.
This KnE Social Sciences collection contains 74 peer-reviewed articles examining different methods of enhancing and facilitating the development of professional academic cultures. Researchers contributing to this collection evaluate various ways in which cultures of learning can be enhanced, placing particular emphasis on the role of technology in education in a post-pandemic society. Relationships between students, teachers, academic organisations, and political institutions are central to the research shared in this collection, which explores a series of solutions to a safer, more open, and more effective learning environment.
These papers will be of interest to academics, students, and professionals researching or working in the fields of education, language and literature, economics and business, management, psychology, sociology, and law.
Conference date: 5 October 2022
Location: Semarang, Indonesia
Organizer: Institute of Research and Community Service at the Universitas PGRI Semarang
Editors: Mega Novita, Nor Fadila Amin, Yulingga Nanda Hanief, Tri Yuniningsih, Ibnu Fatkhu Royana, Entika Fani Prastikawati, Reza Rachmadtullah, Ali Mujahidin, Sugeng Maryanto
Published: 21 December 2022
ISSN: 2518-668X