Making an Android-Based Interactive E-Module on Reaction Rates Learning Material Integrated with Islamic Values
The research was motivated by the importance of Android-based interactive learning media and integrated 21st-century Islamic values. This study aimed to develop an Android-based interactive e-module learning media on the learning materials about chemical reaction rate integrated with Islamic values, analyze the results of the validation test, and determine media feasibility. The research method was Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The e-module display consisted of five main menus: introduction, material, discussion, quiz, and profile. The e-module presented material on the topic of reaction rates with pictures, animations, videos and Islamic values related to the concepts and factors that affect reaction rates. Then, the user had to follow the discussion and complete a quiz to test their understanding. Research data information could be seen on the profile menu. The results of the validation test obtained an average percentage value of 87.13%. The results of the feasibility test obtained an average percentage value of 86.3%. So, this e-module is suitable for use in the learning process.
Keywords: android-based interactive learning, media, 21st-century, Islamic values
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