Interactive Learning Media to Introduce Working Principle of Hybrid Machines Using Digital Platforms


  • Citra Dewi Megawati Creative and Digital Industry Department, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
  • Bima Romadhon Parada Dian Palevi Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang, Malang, Indonesia



Since the COVID-19 pandemic, education shifted to application-based and online lectures. In observations made until after the pandemic ended, the use of digital platforms in teaching and learning activities continued in a combined face-to-face and virtual mode. In engineering technology-based learning models, the use of digital platforms was often used. For example, in presenting PowerPoint presentation materials and similar applications. Students were able to absorb lecture material well as long as they didn’t go through boring lectures. Engineering lectures in classrooms and online classes based on presentation platforms were often viewed as boring. Due to this, teachers need to deliver lectures face-to-face in class and deliver material available in books and lectures. Online, the material presented was less attractive to students and was ignored. This study aimed to introduce interactive learning media in the form of a digital platform which contains material about hybrid engines, working principles and components and provides examples of their application in modern vehicle technology. The interactive learning media was used to support the material in lectures so that when attending lectures in class and practicing the material, students could follow them well and optimize learning outcomes. Interactive learning media was made as attractive as possible, informative, and easy to reach because it was accompanied by pictures and videos and had the advantage of being low-cost. The research method used was Research and Development conducted through direct observation of student behavior, then conducting interviews with relevant lecturers and distributing questionnaires to students to obtain valid results. The research continued with the development of a digital platform-based interactive learning media. The final results of the study stated that students and teachers agreed that digital platform-based learning media can be used as media support in teaching techniques. The resulting digital platform-based interactive learning media can be operated online on a laptop or smartphone. It is hoped that the results of this research can help the teaching and learning process in lecture techniques, especially material regarding hybrid engines.

Keywords: interactive learning media, digital platform, COVID-19.


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How to Cite

Dewi Megawati, C. ., & Romadhon Parada Dian Palevi, B. . (2024). Interactive Learning Media to Introduce Working Principle of Hybrid Machines Using Digital Platforms. KnE Social Sciences, 9(10), 94–105.