International Conference on Engineering Management and Sustainable Innovative Technology (ICEMSIT)
This collection contains selected papers from the International Conference on Engineering Management and Sustainable Innovative Technology held in Bali, Indonesia on 3-4 November 2022. This event was hosted by the Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang.
The conference was held to explore different sustainable and digital solutions to some of the world’s most pressing financial, entrepreneurial, and social challenges.
This KnE Social collection contains 33 peer-review articles that delve into the intersections between corporate governance, business development, sustainability, and digitalisation in a globalised world. As organisations and governments across the world continue to fight to survive in a post-pandemic society filled with economic instability and social disillusion, researchers are collaborating from across multiple disciplines to find the answers to exponentially evolving problems. This collection explores the impact of digital and sustainable solutions on the survival of small businesses, tourism, good governance, immigration policies, and more.
These papers will be of interest to academics, students or professionals researching or working on Management, SMEs, Business, and Communication.
Conference date: 3-4 November 2022
Location: Bali, Indonesia
Organizers: Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
Conference Editors: Maranatha Wijayaningtyas, Martinus Edwin Tjahjadi, Awan Uji Krismanto, Irrine Budi Sulistiawati, Joseph Dedy Irawan, Sotyohadi, Eka Pratiwi Wulandari
Published: 22 March 2024
ISSN: 2518-668X