The Power of Social Media for Marketing Activities to Boost Brand Love of Local Products


  • Tatik Suryani Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Mochamad Nurhadi Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Abu Amar Fauzi Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas, Surabaya, Indonesia



It has become increasingly difficult for local brands to compete with global brands, as most foreign brands are perceived as better than local brands. As such, local companies were highly suggested to change their public perception through appropriate marketing communications. Social media for business purposes can be optimized through social media marketing activities (SMMA) to shape positive customer attitudes and behaviors. This study aimed to examine the influence of SMMA on customer love for local brands and the effect of SMMA on increasing brand awareness and image as two essential antecedents for creating brand love. This research design used a survey and involved 200 customers and social media visitors of local brands. Data was analyzed using the WarpPLS software. The findings showed that SMMA could increase customer love for local brands through brand awareness and brand image. Research also found that SMMA can directly influence brand love. The influence of SMMA on brand awareness was more powerful than brand image. From a customer perception perspective, brand awareness and brand image were important conditions for strengthening brand love. The implication of this research is that local product companies should design and manage their marketing activities in social media based on the important criteria from the customer’s perspective.

Keywords: social media marketing activities, brand awareness, brand image, brand love, local product


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How to Cite

Suryani, T. ., Nurhadi, M. ., & Fauzi, A. A. . (2024). The Power of Social Media for Marketing Activities to Boost Brand Love of Local Products. KnE Social Sciences, 9(10), 116–128.