Increasing Customer Satisfaction Using Integration of Service Quality, Kano and Quality Function Deployment


  • ‎ Tanto Mechanical Engineering Department, Brantas Karangkates Vocational High School, Malang, Indonesia
  • Ellysa Nursanti Industrial Engineering Department, National Institut of Technology (ITN) Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Dimas Indra Laksmana Industrial Engineering Department, National Institut of Technology (ITN) Malang, Malang, Indonesia



An initial survey conducted through interviews with several students and parents found dissatisfaction with school services. This is supported by data on customer dissatisfaction complaints, and there was no effort from the school to fix it; no previous research has focused on this. The purpose of this study was to determine the efforts that can be made to improve the quality of service. The population in this study were grade 12 students. The sampling technique used a questionnaire, while the analysis used was the integration of the Servqual, Kano, and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methods. The results of the study using the Servqual method obtained 25 service attributes with negative results. While the Kano method obtained 22 important category attributes. Based on the results of the integration of Kano’s service quality method into the QFD method, it was found that 3 attributes became priorities for improvement, namely implementing 5S, holding teacher and employee polls, and adding practical tools. The improvement solution for the Brantas Vocational School is implementing 5S management, conducting regular employee performance assessments by holding polls and adding practical equipment in the department.

Keywords: customer satisfaction, servqual, kano, QFD


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How to Cite

Tanto, ‎ ., Nursanti, E. ., & Indra Laksmana, D. . (2024). Increasing Customer Satisfaction Using Integration of Service Quality, Kano and Quality Function Deployment. KnE Social Sciences, 9(10), 316–324.