Digitization of Gray Literature in the Library of the National Research and Innovation Agency
The research aims to determine the process of digitizing the gray literature collection carried out by the Bandung Djunjunan National Research and Innovation Agency Library. A descriptive qualitative method is used in this research. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and literature review. There were three informants in this study. Data analysis through data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results show that the digitization of the gray literature collection was carried out as an effort to preserve and disseminate the information contained in the collection. The stages of digitizing the collection are preparation, digitization process, editing and validation process, as well as the upload process to Repokarya. The gray literature collection that has been digitized is not stored in the library but is handed over to BRIN’s BMN (State Property Services) service. The obstacles in implementing digitalization are limited facilities and infrastructure as well as human resources.
Keywords: digitalization, gray literature, national research and innovation agency library
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