Mathematics Learning Assessment Based on Pirie-Kieren's Theoretical Framework in Elementary School
Various non-technical factors in the mathematics learning assessment process carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic made it difficult to describe students’ mathematical understanding as a whole. This causes a lot of gaps in students’ mathematical understanding. This study aims to describe the growth of elementary school students’ understanding of geometry through the use of an assessment instrument based on the Pirie-Kieren theoretical framework. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The participants in this study were fifth-grade elementary school students who were studying the topic of geometry. Data on the growth of students’ understanding of geometry was obtained through the process of analyzing the results of students’ work in completing the geometry understanding growth test based on the Pirie-Kieren theoretical framework. Findings from student work were then followed up with in-depth interviews. The results of interpretational constructivism data analysis through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions show that there are gaps in students’ understanding of geometry topics. The gap can be observed from every inhibitor and folding back activity in each layer of student understanding.
Keywords: elementary school, mathematics learning assessment, Pirie-Kieren's theoretical framework
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