Unlocking Creativity with Playful Probes





Acquiring data from potential users regarding their daily activities, especially young users or families, can present considerable challenges. Employing playful probes is a method for gathering data from young users; these probes are interactive, intuitive, and visually appealing. This approach allows users to express their thoughts in a non-traditional manner, producing rich qualitative data that can reveal the nuances of their perceptions and behaviors. Although only a few researchers have employed this technique in game design, it has shown great potential in gathering user information for the ideation process. However, there is a need for further exploration of this approach, especially when it comes to children as users. This study seeks to explore the potential of employing playful probes in game design and to identify any obstacles that may arise. Understanding the needs and characteristics of the target users is crucial to adapting the probes to effectively connect with them. By engaging participants in playful and immersive activities, design probes could provide deeper insights into the user and stimulate their creativity, leading to a more efficient final design that accommodates the wants and needs of the users.

Keywords: design probes, playful probes, game design, human-centered design


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How to Cite

Hidayat, I. K., Rebelo, F., Noriega, P., Arizal, F. W., & Pahlevi, A. S. (2024). Unlocking Creativity with Playful Probes. KnE Social Sciences, 9(15), 19–25. https://doi.org/10.18502/kss.v9i15.16183