International Conference on Art, Design, Education and Cultural Studies (ICADECS)

					View International Conference on Art, Design, Education and Cultural Studies (ICADECS)

This collection contains selected articles from the International Conference on Art, Design, Education and Cultural Studies (ICADECS) held in Kota Malang, Indonesia on 3 August 2023. This event was hosted by the Arts and Design Department, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang.

The conference was held to bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss the latest innovations in art and design approaches under the theme of “Reshaping Art, Design Education, & Culture for Freedom of Learning”.

This KnE Social Sciences collection contains 31 peer-review articles explores the evolution of creative industries and their influences on other facets of society. Articles in this collection identify the different ways that artists and design educators work to simultaneously preserve culture and heritage while developing innovative design models. While traditional art can embody the spirit and history of a people and support the economic development of a nation through cultural tourism and the exporting of traditional art pieces, modern design models digitalise design education and offer artists the skills needed to produce at a more efficient rate, thereby providing quicker and potentially more lucrative contributions to the creative economy. Scholars in this collection work to offer a synergy of these perspectives that could uplift any creative industry within their nation and beyond.

These papers will be of interest to academics, students or professionals researching or working on Arts, Design, Education and Cultural Studies.


Conference date: 3 August 2023
Location: Kota Malang, Indonesia
Organizer: Arts and Design Department, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang
Editors: Denik Ristya Rini, Novian Wahyu Firmansyah, Nuril Kusuma Wardani, Bunga Fefiana Mustikasari, Joni Agung Sudarmanto, Wida Rahayuningtyas, Agnisa Maulani Wisesa, Mitra Istiar Wardhana, Arif Sutrisno, Abdul Rahman Prasetyo, Fariza Wahyu Arizal, Muhammad Nurwiseso Wibisono
Published: 9 May 2024
ISSN: 2518-668X

Published: 2024-05-09
