Diversification of Eco-Friendly Batik Craft Products with Export Potential
The Laweyan Surakarta batik industry center has more than 100 developing batik IKMs. The existence of the Laweyan Surakarta batik IKM has contributed greatly to the revival of the batik industry in Surakarta after experiencing a downturn due to the pandemic. However, the presence of batik artisans in the Laweyan area of Surakarta has not been optimally accommodated, coupled with the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, leading to an 80% decline in the batik trade. The Indonesian Batik Craftsmen and Entrepreneurs Association (APPBI) is still unable to reach all artisans at the grassroots level. Therefore, batik artisans require guidance to maximize their potential in discovering new innovations related to batik handicraft products. The participatory collaborative approach between craft actors (IKM) and educational institutions is expected to increase the bargaining power of batik artisans. The developed batik craft products are still based on local cultural values and strive to improve product quality by adhering to SNI standards. The participatory collaboration model places artisans as actors and educational institutions as partners. This study aims to develop a diversification model for Laweyan Surakarta batik products through a participatory collaborative approach involving educational institutions and batik craft centers to strengthen export potential. This study employs the development research model from Borg and Gall and Mc Kenny’s development research, which is then modified into 2 steps. The two steps include (1) the preliminary study stage as a need and contents analysis.
Keywords: diversification, batik, Laweyan, export potential
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