Khalid Bin Walid in Javanese Visual


  • ‎ Lutfianto Islamic Studies Concentration in Islamic Education, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Javanese language teacher at SMAN 1 Pajangan, Bantul, Yogyakarta
  • ‎ Kasidi Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta
  • ‎ Maharsi Faculty of Adab and Cultural Sciences UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta



This paper aims to discuss the model for the creation of wayang figures depicting Kekayon Khalifah, specifically focusing on Khalid bin Walid, a renowned figure in leading battles. The method employed involves Artistic Research and Practice Based Research in contemporary art. The focus of this discussion lies in the development of practice-based artistic techniques. Furthermore, it explores the realization of these figures on buffalo skin, portraying the character as a respected warlord by his troops and feared by his enemies. Realization of embodiment through decorations and ornaments on beautiful leather crafts. This leathercraft works will produce artifacts in the form of the Khalid bin Walid paraga puppet. The ornaments and decorations in this work are complemented by the calligraphy of the characters’ names. Then an interesting visual is created and can imply a certain message to the audience. Especially when this media is exhibited. Works that can be enjoyed by viewers. So this art can be used as education to the public, both formal and non-formal.

Keywords: wayang kekayon, modern art of decoration and ornamentation, paraga Khalid bin Walid


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How to Cite

Lutfianto, ‎ ., Kasidi, ‎ ., & Maharsi, ‎ . (2024). Khalid Bin Walid in Javanese Visual. KnE Social Sciences, 9(15), 113–121.