Digital Drawing Innovation of Ornaments through Ibis Paint Application


  • Dian Prima Saputra Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
  • Slamet Subiyantoro Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
  • Endang Widiyastuti Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta



The learning process of ornaments drawing in the Junior High School of Boyolali during the emergency period of the spread of Covid-19 was conducted online. This study follows Bord and Gall’s research and development (R&D) method (1983). Data collection methods were carried out by participatory observation, in-depth interviews, closed questionnaires, and documentation, and data analysis was carried out with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The purpose of this study is to provide a foundation for students to appreciate art and use their imaginations as a trigger for their creativity. That is achievable, though, if educators provide learning in a captivating manner. One way to achieve this aim is by innovating learning media based on Android smartphones with tools like ornaments digital drawing using Ibis Paint application, which can be used by students online and offline to make them understand the subject easily. Learning media innovations can be conducted by exploring video tutorials, text, and images that are presented on a website for online and offline learning processes. The results of the test showed that the data of the material expert test are 99%, the media expert test are 98%, and the website expert test are 98%. These results conclude that innovation in learning media with material ornaments digital drawing is appropriate, relevant, and needed by students for their art appreciation and imagination expression in online and offline learning processes. The role of media in achieving learning objectives has been proven effective because students showed active behavior. Innovation in learning media simplifies the understanding of concepts through visualizations, graphics, animations, and other multimedia presentations. This helps students have a better comprehension of complex concepts.

Keywords: learning media, digital drawing, ornaments


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How to Cite

Saputra, D. P., Subiyantoro, S., & Widiyastuti, E. (2024). Digital Drawing Innovation of Ornaments through Ibis Paint Application. KnE Social Sciences, 9(15), 159–165.