Cross-Cultural Mediators in Resolving Conflicts in Indonesia


  • Lusinana Margareth Tijow State University of Malang, Malang City, East Jawa Indonesia
  • Andhika Yudha Pratama State University of Malang, Malang City, East Jawa Indonesia
  • Daya Negri Wijaya State University of Malang, Malang City, East Jawa Indonesia
  • Evania Yafie State University of Malang, Malang City, East Jawa Indonesia



This article focuses on the role of cross-cultural mediators in resolving conflicts related to cultural violence in Indonesia and provides an overview of the cultural context in Indonesia and the factors that contribute to the prevalence of cultural violence. The article then discusses the role of cross-cultural mediators in facilitating dialogue and promoting understanding between different cultural groups. Using a qualitative research methodology, the article explores the experiences of cross-cultural mediators working in different parts of Indonesia. Diverse references like literature, academic papers, scientific publications, dissertations, and similar materials concerning delicate cultural aspects, categorization of aggression within Indonesian society, and elements impacting the development of a violent culture are mentioned within the paper. The article highlights the challenges and opportunities that mediators face in their work, including the need to build trust and develop effective communication strategies. The article argues that cross-cultural mediation can be an effective tool for resolving conflicts related to cultural violence in Indonesia. The article emphasizes the importance of developing culturally sensitive and context-specific mediation strategies that take into account the unique cultural and historical factors that contribute to violence in different regions of the country. In conclusion, the article highlights the need for greater support for cross-cultural mediators in Indonesia, including training and capacity-building programs, as well as increased awareness and recognition of the important role that mediators play in promoting peace and resolving conflicts related to cultural violence. The article argues that cross-cultural mediation has the potential to contribute to building a more peaceful and just society.

Keywords: cross culture, mediation, conflict, resolution


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How to Cite

Tijow, L. M., Pratama, A. Y., Wijaya, D. N., & Yafie, E. (2024). Cross-Cultural Mediators in Resolving Conflicts in Indonesia. KnE Social Sciences, 9(15), 193–200.