Panji Asmorobangun Mask Dance as Local Culture and Its Relevance to Character Educational Values
Instilling cultural values can be done early on through learning that utilizes teaching materials available in the surrounding environment. It is considered that the learning process can run effectively and efficiently and in accordance with the potential of local wisdom. One of the alternative teaching materials can be taken by utilizing the circumstances surrounding the students’ environment which are used as additional teaching materials. In addition, the teaching materials contain local wisdom so that the given knowledge is wider. The introduction of the wealth of local wisdom in the form of traditions in East Java, especially Malang, has an orientation towards developing the national character based on local wisdom and unique culture in Indonesia. This research aimed to describe and analyze character educational values that could be found in the Panji Asmorobangun mask dance as a local culture of Malang. The research method used was descriptive qualitative research method, with data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation. The research result found that character educational values in dance material are based on local wisdom obtained through the learning process of the Panji Asmorobangun mask dance. Character education values that emerged include religious, nationalist, loving the environment, mutual help, independence, excellence, empathy, mutual cooperation, responsibility, and integrity. This value was reflected in the idea of the dance work, and the structure of the work which consists of movements, musical accompaniment, costumes, and mask properties in dance. This research was a form of preserving local culture by introducing traditional dance at schools, by instilling educational values embedded in a curriculum filled with local cultural values so that the next generations kept interest and sustained their national identity.
Keywords: local wisdom, character, mask dance
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