Development of Physics Teaching Materials Based on the Prediction, Observation, Explanation, Elaboration, Writing, and Evaluation (POE2WE) Learning Model Assisted by Google Site


  • Mardia Hi Rahman Physics Education Study Program, Khairun University
  • Saprudin Saprudin Physics Education Study Program, Khairun University
  • Nana Nana Physics Education Study Program, Siliwangi University
  • Nurna Adam Physics Education Study Program, Khairun University



This development research aims to: 1) Develop physics teaching materials based on the POE2WE learning model assisted by the Google site. 2) Analyze the feasibility of physics teaching materials based on the POE2WE learning model assisted by Google site. 3) Analyze the improvement of student learning outcomes by implementing physics teaching materials based on the POE2WE learning model assisted by Google site. 4) Analyze teacher and student responses to physics teaching materials based on the POE2WE learning model assisted by Google site. This is a research and development study that applies the ADDIE model with 5 steps, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The validation results from media experts on the feasibility of physics teaching materials, based on the POE2WE learning model, assisted by Google site averaged 90% with a very feasible category. The validation results of material experts with an average of 86% and the validation results of language experts with an average of 92%, were said to be very feasible. In small-group testing, an average of 90% was obtained and in large-group testing 85.67% was obtained, which was categorized as very feasible. Teacher and student responses to the developed product were very good for use with an average of 90% and 91%. The validation and trial results show that the physics teaching materials on the concept of electromagnetic induction based on the POE2WE learning model assisted by Google site are very suitable to use in the learning process.

Keywords: teaching material development, POE2WE learning model, Google Site


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How to Cite

Rahman, M. H., Saprudin, S., Nana, N., & Adam, N. (2024). Development of Physics Teaching Materials Based on the Prediction, Observation, Explanation, Elaboration, Writing, and Evaluation (POE2WE) Learning Model Assisted by Google Site. KnE Social Sciences, 9(19), 459–471.