International Joint Seminar on Education, Social Science and Applied Science (IJESAS)

					View International Joint Seminar on Education, Social Science and Applied Science (IJESAS)

This collection contains selected articles from the International Joint Seminar on Education, Social Science and Applied Science (IJESAS) held in Labuan Bajo, Indonesia on October 23rd – 27th, 2023. This event was hosted in collaboration with Institut Nasional Flores, Asosiasi Pendidik Nusantara, Dharma Samakta Edu Khatulistiwa, and Borneo Research and Education Center.

The conference was held to explore the latest civic contributions of research within the fields of education, social sciences, and applied sciences, exploring a wide range of topics from climate action, literature, and educational pedagogy. 

This KnE Social Sciences collection contains 50 peer-reviewed articles that foster critical thought around the relationship between youth and wider society through their connection to culture, education, and the environment. Young people have often been championed as beacons of hope for brighter futures in a world so laced with environmental and social distress, though many fail to give credit to the systems that build their much admired resilience and social awareness. Scholars in this collection explore the influence of education, cultural heritage, and agricultural knowledge on Indonesian youth and their relationship to the wider society.

These papers will be of interest to academics, students, or professionals who research or work on academics, students or professionals who research or do research on Camaraderie Toward Sustainable Prosperity: Accelerating Development on Applied Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Education Post-Pandemic.


Conference date: 23–27 October 2023
Location: Labuan Bajo, Indonesia
Organizer: Institut Nasional Flores, Asosiasi Pendidik Nusantara, Dharma Samakta Edu Khatulistiwa, and Borneo Research and Education Center
Editors: Misbah Misbah, Supriyadi Supriyadi, Wati Sukmawati, Suhendar Suhendar, Yohanes Freadyanus Kasi, Ari Syahidul Shidiq
Published: 3 July 2024
ISSN: 2518-668X

Published: 2024-07-03
