Agronomic and Starch Content Studies of Local Adlay Accessions (Coix lacrima jobi - L.) from West Sumatra, Indonesia
Indonesia has a high potential for diverse local food resources, one of which is the plant of adlay. Exploration activities aimed at collecting genetic resources of adlay have been successfully carried out in the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia, resulting in the collection of six local genotypes. The purpose of this research is to obtain information about the agronomic potential and starch content of several local adlay accessions. The study was conducted from April to September 2023 in Limau Manis, Padang City, West Sumatra. The six adlay accessions used in the study are PTA-1, KKD-3, PH-4, BTA-2, GT-2, and TJR-2. The experimental design employed was a completely randomized design with three replications. Based on the research findings, significant differences were observed in both agronomic aspects and starch content among the tested accessions. Adlay with the accession code PH-4 exhibited advantages in terms of harvest maturity and production. The starch content of adlay ranged from 56.64% to 61.26%, with the PH-4 accession having the highest amylopectin content (96.60%), while the highest amylose content was found in the GT-2, TJR-2, and KKD-3 accession (19.90%, 20.03%, and 20.48%). Accession PH-4 can be proposed as a candidate for Adlay variety assembly.
Keywords: agronomic, starch content, adlay accessions, Coix lacrima jobi
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