International Conference on Art, Design, Education and Cultural Studies (ICADECS)
This collection contains selected papers from the international research conference International Conference on Art, Design, Education and Cultural Studies (ICADECS) held in Kota Malang, Indonesia on 20 August 2022. This event was hosted by the Arts and Design Department, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang.
The conference was held to bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss the latest innovations in art and design approaches in responding to endemic globally.
This collection contains 39 peer-review papers addressing various aspects of the arts, with a specific focus on the endemic and cross-cultural nature of artistic pursuits, practices, and cultures. Topics include new innovations in traditional, performing, and fine arts; the evolution of art history and cultural studies; the growing importance of digital literacy in the arts; and pedagogical practices in different artistic disciplines.
These papers will be of interest to academics, students and professionals researching or working on Arts, Design, Education and Cultural Studies.
Conference date: 20 August 2022
Location: Kota Malang, Indonesia
Organizers: the Arts and Design Department, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang.
Conference Editors: Ika Wahyu Widyawati, Denik Ristya Rini, Nuril Kusuma Wardani, Bunga Fefiana Mustikasari, Joni Agung Sudarmanto, Wida Rahayuningtyas, Agnisa Maulani Wisesa, Mitra Istiar Wardhana, Arif Sutrisno, Abdul Rahman Prasetyo, Fariza Wahyu Arizal, Novian Wahyu Firmansyah, Muhammad Nurwiseso Wibisono
Published: 15 August 2023
ISSN: 2518-668X